
Page 91 of 111

Stack and Cut Quilt Cards  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Make a set of backgrounds at once by cutting stacked papers together.
Stacked Stencils  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Use two stencils together to create a pattern within a pattern.
Stained Glass  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a stained glass look by embossing images on vellum, then coloring on the reverse.
Stained Glass Panels  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a stained glass effect on layered die cut cardstock.
Stained Glass Stamping  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Recreate the look of stained glass with stamps and markers.
Stained Mosaic  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a mosaic look with a homemade background stamp.
Stair Step Fold  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create this special fold card to show off your landscaping or patterned paper.
Stamp Carving Basics  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Learn the basics for beginning stamp carving.
Stamp Etching  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Enhance your stamp images with a fine-tipped marker.
Stamp Selfies  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a masked scene in a frame for a stamp 'selfie'!
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