Want to Show Some Love to Our Volunteers?

imageIn this season of gratitude, we give you an opportunity to express your appreciation to the small army of site volunteers to keep Splitcoast running smoothly.

It's time for our annual Moddy Christmas gift to Splitcoast moderators and group leaders, and it's very easy to participate.

There are all kinds of behind the scenes jobs here at Splitcoast, and our moderators and group leaders are here every day, working hard to answer emails and Private Messages, to approve and take care of our group memberships, to keep the gallery and forums organized, and to make Splitcoast run smoothly for all of you. They do not get a lot of recognition, but the truth is that we couldn't run the site without them.

Many people buy online during the holidays, and no one is bigger than Amazon.com. Splitcoast is part of the Amazon Associates program, where we benefit from every Amazon purchase made in the name of Splitcoaststampers. So what we do is take all the proceeds from these holiday sales and give them to our moderators and group leaders, in the form of Amazon gift certificates.

You can give the mods a Merry Christmas!
Would you like to participate? It couldn't be simpler, just two quick steps.

1. Click the image above.
Clicking it will forward you to the Amazon site. Everything will look normal but don't worry, Amazon will recognize that you've come from Splitcoast.

2. Shop as normal, and complete your purchase.

For any purchase you make in the 24-hour period after you clicked the link, Amazon will pay us a referral fee. We split up the proceeds between all the moderators and group leaders as a special thank you from the rest of the Splitcoast community.

That's it and there's nothing else to do! Just follow this link or the Amazon link on the home page from Splitcoast to Amazon, shop as normal, and a percentage of your purchase will go toward our Moddy Christmas gift. Stay tuned to the home page for updates all through the holidays.


What, you're still here? It really is as easy as clicking the Amazon link, but here's some more info that may answer any questions you still have.

No strings
There's no requirement that you be logged in to participate, or even that you be a Splitcoast member, just that you access Amazon through the link on our site. Any purchases you make will be credited to us, and gifted 100% to our moderators.

But I already bought something (yesterday | last week)!
If you followed the Amazon link from Splitcoast it'll get credited. If you didn't, unfortunately it cannot be credited unless you followed our link :( We'll count all Amazon purchases made from November 1 through December 31 to the Moddy Christmas effort.

Thank you, mods!
Our forum and gallery moderators spend countless hours here, helping make the community a better place. Leaders of the many groups answer innumerable inquiries and pleas for help. Thank you to all our mods!

Personal gifts
If you'd like to make a direct gift in any amount, you can do that too. Your gift will be added to the referral fees we earn from Amazon, and gifted to the mods. Click the link to get started.

Make a cash gift now
Payments are processed through PayPal but you don't need a PayPal account and you don't need to join. Simply indicate that you don't wish to use PayPal when asked to login. You'll then have your choice of credit/debit/charge cards.

For our Canadian buds
For Amazon Canada, use this link to make your purchases:
No, this doesn't look like an Amazon link. But the one they gave us is so long that we've used TinyURL, a service that makes long addresses more usable. Use or share this link and you'll be jumped right to Amazon.ca.

Share a link
To tell someone else about Moddy Christmas, copy and paste this link:

A little more complicated, but worth it
There's also a way that you can make your purchase go even further. To increase the portion of your purchase that comes back to Splitcoast, you can follow an alternate set of instructions. It's more steps and a little more difficult, but it increases the percentage that comes back to us:

1. Find a product you want on Amazon.

2. Look on the page and find the ASIN#.
(this number can be found directly below the product listing, included with the shipping and sales rank information, and usually looks something like this: B000B6MLUA)

3. Plug that number into this address link:
(take out the x's in the address below and put the ASIN# in their place)

4. Reload the Amazon page using this new address, and complete your purchase.
By using this direct link, Splitcoast gets a higher percentage cut than using the standard link from the home page.

Thank you for helping us spread holiday cheer to our beloved volunteers!

Artwork courtesy of Splitcoast member darlenedesign.

Posted by: Understandblue on Nov 21, 17 | 7:53 am


It's a joy to contribute a gift to the many wonderful people who make SCS the most amazing place for us all! Thank you so very much! Love you all! xoxo

CherylQuilts | Nov 19, 16 | 8:48 am


I've clicked on your link dozens of times the past few weeks! Glad to help because I love your site and all everyone does to make it terrific! Merry Christmas!
PS: the link with the xxx I didn't see how to work it as you instructed but I still used the regular amazon link!

Michele in IL. | Nov 29, 16 | 7:50 am


What a great cause to support. SCS gives so much pleasure to me and so many others.

Benzi | Dec 09, 16 | 7:01 am


I just joined and missed the holiday shopping opportunity. Does this link work year round? If so I will keep it in mind as I am a regular amazon shopper. I would love to make a contribution to the volunteers who make SCS such an incredible resource.

lamoore | Jan 06, 17 | 6:43 pm


@lamoore yes it works all year - thank you SO much!

Understandblue | Jan 06, 17 | 9:14 pm


I was so happy to see this opportunity to give back to SCS. Unfortunately, I saw this late in December. I'm so glad someone asked about its duration...THRILLED that this is year round! I will link away!!!

just4deborah | Jan 17, 17 | 7:34 pm


I ordered today with your link! I came across this by searching around. Never knew about it before. I do a lot of shopping at Amazon.

thank you for all you do!

Manetta Kanefsky | Dec 08, 17 | 4:34 am


It's always a joy to contribute toward gifts for our wonderful moderators! Thank you all for the hard work that you faithfully and sacrificially do to make SCS an extra special place! Love you all dearly! Hugs!

CherylQuilts | Dec 09, 17 | 7:39 pm


Hi all you wonderful volunteers. I can't even imagine how you all do it so seamlessly. Just order a few items on Amazon to say "Thanks so much." I love Splitcoast.

Nancy S. | Dec 11, 17 | 4:50 pm


Happy to spend my dollars and have a reward to my favorite place in the world. Love and thanks to all who contribute their time to make this such a great place.

mamaxsix/Gail | Dec 13, 17 | 7:00 pm


I shop Amazon all year - a lot - and remember to start at Splitcoast and click on the link. So happy to help add thanks to the moderators for all they do.

DianeinSparks | Dec 13, 17 | 8:11 pm


Most happy to participate and thank these wonderful volunteers for all they do for us. I have got to get into the habit of clicking through here. Thank you mods!

Jean Cross | Dec 14, 17 | 10:04 am


wondering if saving the link from here would count all year or do you have to come to SCS first then click?

teresa kline | Dec 16, 17 | 12:46 pm



Ibrands | Dec 19, 17 | 9:49 am


love it

CyndiLouWho? | Feb 25, 19 | 8:47 am


Love love love it

Leslie Thornton | Mar 25, 19 | 10:48 pm



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