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Ask the Artist

Our Artist in Residence, Dina Kowal, answers your questions

  • Submit your question to Dina
  • September 7, 2022
    Q: Jane asks: "What is your favorite double-sided adhesive for intricate dies?"

    A: Lately I've been using Bearly Art glue with the needle tip on the bottle - it adheres in 5 seconds and dries matte, so I can dot the glue around, place the die cut lightly, and then press it in place. I also really like Artist-Tac adhesive sheets - these are sheets of dry adhesive dots with a protective liner. You peel the liner back and lay your die cut onto the adhesive, then replace the liner and burnish the die cut well with a bone folder to transfer the adhesive to the back. You can stick your die cut down, and any excess adhesive around the edges just rubs away.

    August 31, 2022
    Q: Debbie asks: "I know I can edit and change text in my posts in my Gallery but I wondered: is it possible to swap out a picture for a new one, or is the only option to delete the original post and repost everything?"

    A: You can swap out a photo very easily! Open your gallery entry. Beneath the photo you'll see the box containing your card description. In the bottom right corner of that box, click "Edit Photo". A new screen will open, showing a thumbnail of your card, and the fields that you entered when you uploaded. Below the thumbnail, you'll read "Select new image or leave blank to use current one." In the column to the right is a button you can click to choose a new file from your device. Save your changes, and you're done! It may take up to 15 minutes for the new image to sync, but you can make sure it's changed over by peeking into the edit screen again. If you see the new thumbnail there, you're golden!

    August 24, 2022
    Q: Tina asks: "I saw somewhere that there are pens that you colour your stamps with before you stamp rather than colouring in the stamped image. What are these pens called and where can I get them?"

    A: I used that technique on the tutorial sample above because I just wanted to print part of the image! You will want a brush marker that is dye or water-based - sometimes they're marketed as watercolor markers. They are water soluble and can be used for straight stamping, or you can create faux watercolor effects by misting the ink before stamping, stamping onto misted watercolor paper, or blending out the stamped ink with a wet brush. Some favorite brands are Karin, Tombow, Zig, and Winsor & Newton.

    August 17, 2022
    Q: Georgiababydoll asks: "I made a card following one of the tutorials, but I don't know how to get my card to upload to the specified gallery. I uploaded it to my gallery. What do I need to do differently?"

    A: If you follow one of our weekly tutorials, we love it when you upload to the technique gallery - it's just fun to see everyone's work together! On the gallery upload screen you'll choose Technique Spotlight in the first dropdown menu. In the second dropdown, find the name of the tutorial, then continue with the upload as usual. There are galleries for all kinds of things - specific projects, special occasions, specific Stampin' Up! sets, and more. If you're not sure where your card fits, just upload to your member gallery. You can use the description section to fill in keywords and any other details you care to share about your card. Keywords help group your card with other uploads by company, techniques, products, themes, specific challenges, and more!

    August 10, 2022
    Q: Lauri asks: "I have several clear stamp sets that I just hadn't gotten around to using. I'm now having a very difficult time getting the stamps to peel off the plastic sheet they come on. A few of them, though I've pulled slowly and with even pressure, have torn. Is there a trick to getting them to release?"

    A: I haven't had this happen, but I know that the materials in some clear stamps and the release sheets can begin to react over time. I checked the forums for tips - some popular ones seem to be putting the stamps into the freezer for some time, or heating the sets either in warm water or with a hair dryer. Washing in warm soapy water was also suggested.

    If anyone has another suggestion, share it in the forums HERE!

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