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Old 05-15-2009, 09:14 AM   #161  
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Paper crafting brings a little bit of joy into my life and the people I share it with. So therefore, I love it.
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Old 05-15-2009, 02:39 PM   #162  
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Wow, what a thought provoking post. I can be and have been in the past slightly obsessive about buying and trying all the new toys out there. For Lent this year I gave up buying new stamps or supplies for 40 days. My kids had a bet going that I couldn't do it LOL but I did! In the process, I had a lot of time to think about the stuff I did have and challenged myself to use supplies that I hadn't used in a while and to try to come up with new uses for supplies (paper and stamps) that I didn't particularly like. Well Lent is long over but my creative juices have been sparked and my buying has gone way down. Do I think that this hobby that gives me so much joy and relief from daily stress is unethical? No. Do I think that we all have an obligation to ourselves and each other to consider the implications of our actions on others ? Absolutely YES. The best that I can do in my life is to educate myself and my family and try to act responsibly. The world is a global market and the internet is here to stay. I've taught my kids to "Reduce, reuse, recycle and turn off the lights!" The amount of cardboard that my kids can turn into castles, barns and science fair projects would astound you. Our life is not only for resopnsibility, but also for joy, comfort and love. This is what my hobby gives me and what I try to pass on to others as well.
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Old 05-16-2009, 09:48 PM   #163  
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Hi everyone! It's been awhile but instead of lurking I felt I needed to add my 2 cents to this discussion:
If you want to live like the Amish, you certainly can, in America even. Go right ahead, nothing wrong with it (unless you are saying everyone should do it). What kind of technology and progress would we have forgone had everyone chosen to live that way all along? Contentment is a great thing, but we also need those who have a drive to change things.
Those who criticize our "CO2" output would do well to consider that other countries are even worse about their pollution considering what is being produced. It's HUMAN, not AMERICAN. We just have made the progress and have the economy to fulfill those human desires. We have made many policies to reduce the output here, but it comes along with a modern lifestyle to a certain extent. Perhaps the Europeans have stricter policies--but then, they are smaller countries and have higher taxes and a different way of life. It's like comparing apples & oranges.
If it weren't for all the consumers in America, where would the rest of the world's economy be?
And, whoever stated that not all scientists agree about global warming--that's an important point to gloss over it! Sure, we can reduce/reuse/recycle, but let's not panic to the point of saying that those with the money shouldn't spend it on something they enjoy doing.

About guns--come on, how does that belong in this discussion, unless you are just wanting to pile up your criticisms of Americans? If you'd like to start a discussion about that I'd be happy to put my 2 cents on that one, too...but I refrained because I realized it would be going in a different direction on this topic.
Valid criticism isn't anti-American, but listing grievances in a simplistic (and unfactual) manner is certainly perceived as being against us.

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Old 05-16-2009, 09:49 PM   #164  
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Originally Posted by CreativeCritterView Post
There's nothing wrong with questioning consumerism. Just because the person doing the questioning isn't an American doesn't make her points any less valid. Looking back through this thread you will find a lot of Americans that agree with her, too. Adopting a negative attitude toward others will not change the realities that there are many people that waste without a thought. To me, the questions raised were more an encouragement to contemplate our use of resources than a personal (or even national) accusation.
It wasn't the "questioning consumerism" that came across as un-American.

"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right�--Lincoln
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Old 05-16-2009, 09:54 PM   #165  
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Originally Posted by sewnmachineView Post
You may not know this, but until just recently, if we dared challenge this countrys position on Global Warming or torture policies, we were labeled as Un-American. The Love it - or - Leave it mentality was rampant. Constructive criticism was not wanted nor appreciated.
I think you are mistaken, constructive criticism has always been and is still welcome in America more than anywhere else in the world. Some individuals may get their dander up, for sure. I think the problem comes in when the debate heats up, and the "criticizers" seem to think that it's their way or nothing, that if we don't change our policy on Global Warming (to use the example you used), then it is okay to throw a shoe at the President, for example. It gets a little out of hand, when not everyone agrees with the "criticizers" "facts."
In fact, I think it's quite the opposite--it's in vogue to criticize America these days. Unless you are on the right, and are criticizing something the left is doing ;)

"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right�--Lincoln
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Old 05-17-2009, 03:39 AM   #166  
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I think anything you do can get "addicting" or over the top. I am frugal. I have not many stamps, embellishments etc but the ones I have I use over and over again but I really enjoy stamping. You don't have to have every little gadget or gizmo or new stamp to have fun and enjoy the hobby. It is up to each person to know their budget and know what they can spend etc. I am so happy with the $1 stamps at Michaels etc that I don't need to order the $15 stamps on the websites. I agree that each person should look at their collection and think do I need more stamps I have a whole stack I haven't used yet etc and the stuff you don't use sell it on here and get some cash back and allow yourself some more stuff.
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Old 06-01-2009, 03:10 AM   #167  
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My children don't 'need' hot wheel cars , pokemon cards , or waterguns. But they have them. I don't ' need' all my craft supplies , but I have them. By some peoples standards I have too much , by some peoples standards I don't have enough. To some I am poor , to some I am rich. I work very hard and I spend about 10 dollars a week on my crafts. Everything else is spent on my children , our pets , bills , etc. If I see someone that needs my help , I help them if I can. I recycle when I can. I am kind - hearted and good to people. It not that I have the mentality that I can't do anything about the world, but I am smart enough to know that realistically , the best I can do is start by taking care of my own little space that God has given me in this world. So I try not to waste , I try to be good to people and I am trying to raise good boys who believe in God and being good to people. I have 6 boys. 4 are grown , and everyone of them will , and has stopped to help someone change a tire or put groceries in their car. I feel like I'm rambling. But the point I'm trying to make is : be good to people, do what you can to help the enviroment by taking care of your space , and don't feel quilty if you spend a little bit just for joy. Life is short and it isn't just about work and save and scrimp by. True life is about joy and laughter , your children and your memories. I don't feel quilty for spending a little money to help perserve the memories for my boys. Someday I may have altimzers *(I know thats spelled wrong!) and may not even know my children. I have seen it happen and it's the saddest thing in the world. Thats what your life IS , is memories. But I will tell the stories and save the pictures and journal the moments for them while I can. And that brings me joy.
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Old 06-01-2009, 11:24 AM   #168  
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You know what i actually read this thread word for word, and i didn't take it the same as everyone else seems to have so i will throw in my 30 cents...

I took the OP post to mean "am I alone in feeling this overwhelming feeling?" and the answer is no, of course your not alone or you wouldn't have 5 pages of replies.

do i think its un-ethical (paper crafting) no,

but, from time to time i do feel overwhelmed by the total amount of information of the latest and greatest that is an constant push now. i no longer actually visit other people's blogs unless they (someone i know) links me to something specific.

and when i feel overwhelmed i find I just need to walk away from it, turn off the computer and go create something. this does help with the guilt feelings because you are using that stash.

I have spent the better part of my craft collecting years as being able to say this i don't need and this i cannot let go of. and i find that things i am able to let go of because i tried it (tool) or what ever and did not like it i find i can let go of those things and pass them along. I do this on a regular basis as i find if i do have "too much" of something i am not using i get the guilts over that. doesn't matter that i don't put my family into debt to own these things my own feelings of having too much stuff will do it to me. and its just another good feeling to be able to share it with others who may not have the extra funds to test drive this hobby. I have 16 nieces and nephews and guess how many of them paper craft now?

another random thought is someone (pages ago) mentioned keeping the U.S.P.S. in business... and you know every job needs job security. and I really believe those of us in the paper crafting hobby are making a dent in keeping the postal system working.
can you just imagine how sad it would be to not be able to send or receive actual paper happy mail?

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Old 06-01-2009, 05:34 PM   #169  
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Originally Posted by JadiebirdView Post
Well, I don't drink or smoke. I do not abuse animals, people, or plants. I do not steal, gamble etc, etc. I guess if papercrafting is the worst thing I do, I must be doing pretty good, LOL. I work hard, so I have extra money to spend on things I love. There are people who buy cigarettes and alcohol, I don't.This hobby gives me great enjoyment. I would rather see planes flying over my head that are carrying patterned paper and stamps than weapons, bombs and drugs, I guess.

This sums it up nicely! I think the OP was very eloquent and certainly it does give you something to think about. I'm not going to justify myself by listing all of my good deeds and charities. I do think I have room for improvement in how much I buy vs. how much I create. I don't buy very much in the way of crafting supplies according to what I see and read here but I do recognize that spending time on-line, including this site, leads to the "Oh, I would like that" syndrome. A few days or weeks spent away from this site would be good for my wallet I'm sure. However, as the poster above said, I don't steal, gamble, smoke, drink, etc. etc. It's the rare person among us who doesn't spend at least some money on something that's not truly "necessary". Kudos to you if you live that kind of lifestyle but if you do, I doubt you're here reading these posts. Me, I enjoy my hobbies of stamping and gardening and I don't intend to stop. I am however trying to be more conscientious about what and how much I buy.

Thanks for the mental exercise!
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Old 06-01-2009, 07:15 PM   #170  
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The OP needs to get a life!! She reminds me of my mother who would tell me to eat everything on my plate because there are children in China starving! What really does that have to do with me at this moment. There's nothing we can do anyway, so let's enjoy our life and our creative outlet and make something fun, beautiful, and cute for someone. (yes, I have all the stuff she's complaining about wanting but ashamed to get, but I love it all and it makes me happy. I'm with Rush Limbaugh, money is no object, enjoy the life you have and don't be miserable in the life of someone else that you can't do anything about)
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Old 06-01-2009, 07:32 PM   #171  
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I haven't read through all the replies, but I can say that you make some very good points. I have known from the time I started stamping that this was an expensive hobby. Now with so many companies putting out stamps, papers, embellishments, tools, etc. galore, it can be quite overwhelming. I know I often feel like I'm 10 steps back from everyone else here even though I try to keep up. And yet, should we all try to keep up? There is tremendous pressure to stay current and I think we all feel it. I don't know what will come of all of this new stuff constantly coming down the pike. It used to be that Stampin' Up put out one big catalog a year with quarterly (?) inserts. Now it seems they are always coming out with something new. And there are so many new, WONDERFUL stamp companies popping up that it's quite overwhelming.

Then there's the blog explosion. And so many bloggers are designing for those stamp companies (I just finished a mini dt session meseff). It's quite a lot to take in.

I don't blame you for being bothered by it. And it's good to get a slap in the face now and then to remind us that we must watch ourselves.So thanks.

I know I have enough stuff to make a bazillion cards right now. I go through times where I seem to spendspendspend. Then I yank back the reigns and avoid anything that might tempt me to spend (staying out of stores, ignoring online deals). It's hard, though, but you're right that we need to evaluate our hearts on the matter.

Thanks for your thoughtful post!
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Old 06-01-2009, 08:07 PM   #172  
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Ok, I couldn't resist commenting after having read all posts up until now. PHEW, I appreciate everything the OP brought up, even if I don't necessarily agree with everything. She said a lot of thought provoking things that will definitely have me thinking twice about my choices, which I am grateful for. And I have found it really interesting to read people's responses.

Like so many others, this really is therapy for me. The last few weeks have been a nightmare in my world, and the only thing I have found to turn to that has brought me sanity has been stamping. I think my friends are thinking I am going overboard with my amount of stamping, but seriously, its something absolutely satisfying and gratifying, and I am SO thankful to have found a hobby that I enjoy, I am good at (imo), and that I don't tired of.

AND, what's more, I love SCS, the ability to share my thoughts, learnings, and talents with others who love stamping as much as I do. That includes hearing people's thoughts on all related subjects. It's interesting, and I love every minute of it (I need the little avatar with the guy eating popcorn too! LOL).

So, anyway, thanks OP, and I also thank all those who contributed.
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Old 06-01-2009, 08:51 PM   #173  
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Originally Posted by Grandma OverboardView Post

The OP needs to get a life!!

. . . I'm with Rush Limbaugh . . .
LoL, seriously?

....don't bother me--I'm living happily ever after....
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Old 06-01-2009, 09:35 PM   #174  
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Originally Posted by AmorAView Post
LoL, seriously?

Yep--just listen and learn!
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Old 06-01-2009, 11:05 PM   #175  
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It isn't necessary to rag on the op, is it? I knw I'm repeating myself here, but maybe some of you could go back and re-read what s/he said. "Stuff" is taking over the hobby for her, and she's wondering about her OWN obsession. There's no accusation being flung at you all...just wondering if she's the only person that feels out of control. How often do you see posts about people being "collectors" or "addicted" to gathering all the latest and greatest "must haves,"? Geez, cut a little slack...
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Old 06-02-2009, 03:25 AM   #176  
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Originally Posted by wenchieView Post
If you hung in here, and read my entire rant, good for you!! You're one of the few LOL
I did - bravo!
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Old 06-02-2009, 03:58 AM   #177  
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I think it is not the companies who are unethical because they produce and promote items. It is up to each of us to personally control our spending and decide what to buy based upon what we can afford.

The nature of capitalism does spread to crafting, which is an industry and a hobby. Good people mortgage their homes for a dream to own a stamp company, then want to promote it through advertising and design teams; they want you to spend your dollars on their products. I don't see anything wrong with that; I do see something wrong if people risk financial security on buying it.

I love the newest thing, but still use the very first stamp I bought. I do try to budget myself and control my urges to spend spend spend
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Old 06-02-2009, 04:08 AM   #178  
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Originally Posted by Grandma OverboardView Post
The OP needs to get a life!! She reminds me of my mother who would tell me to eat everything on my plate because there are children in China starving! What really does that have to do with me at this moment. There's nothing we can do anyway, so let's enjoy our life and our creative outlet and make something fun, beautiful, and cute for someone. (yes, I have all the stuff she's complaining about wanting but ashamed to get, but I love it all and it makes me happy. I'm with Rush Limbaugh, money is no object, enjoy the life you have and don't be miserable in the life of someone else that you can't do anything about)

Urm....she was voicing a question....and there is no need to imply that just because she questioning something she needs to 'get a life'.

You said 'There's nothing we can do anyway' .......well thats OK then, we will just continue to drain our limited resourses because it won't effect us, doesn't really matter about the future generations....I admit 1 person standing alone can not to much, but you can do something, and all those individuals doing small things adds up to lots of people doing big things....... Power of the individual!
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Old 06-02-2009, 04:08 AM   #179  
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After almost dying twice I have no guilt about spending my extra money on something I want and enjoy doing. The first time I was in complete liver failure and spend a few weeks in a hospital 200 miles from home praying they could heal my liver as no donor was available for me. Thankfully my liver got better (my immune system attacks it)
And the second was when I spent a month in ICU in a hospital an hour from home for my ruptured brain aneurysm. I make cards and I scrapbook. I will never stop either.
If I have the extra money then yes I buy what I want. If I don't then it waits until I do.

Before saying how stamping companies are ruining the earth you need to do your homework.
SU has several practices that are GREEN to help the earth. And I know several other companies also have some practices in place.

I am sorry to be so emotive but I just feel utterly horrified by the greed and waste and lack of thought to consequences. Papercrafting is a hobby for most of us, there are those who make a living out of this and clearly it's different for you. There are also those who make cards etc for charity who certainly do not suffer from greed. I am humbled by you.
If this all bothers you so much then step back, do not buy anymore stamping related things and use up what you have.
I myself make cards for others and I send cards to sick children. How does it make it OK for me to do this and for the gal who only stamps for hobby and does not donate cards or sells them ethically wrong for her?
It doesn't.
EVERY person on this planet has the right to stamp and buy stamping related products if they choose to do so.
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Old 06-02-2009, 04:42 AM   #180  
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I haven't read through the entire thread (I will) and must say that if a thread, comment, conversation, etc, starts out with "NO offense but...", there's a good chance that it probably is going to be offensive...just sayin'.
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Old 06-02-2009, 04:49 AM   #181  
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Originally Posted by wenchieView Post
Stupid little cards? I doubt anyone thinks they're stupid. If just one person appreciates your efforts, then it's all worthwhile in my opinion.

I agree, it's self indulgent, but we do it because we love it, and we do it for the very few who appreciate it. That's what makes it all worthwhile.
I think that even if they are "stupid little cards" (which they most certainly are NOT!) and that even if NO ONE gets enjoyment out of them (how sad!) that as long as YOU are enjoying what you're doing, then have at it! Enjoy yourself and enjoy doing what you love!
Hugs and Happy Stampin', Christyne
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Old 06-02-2009, 04:59 AM   #182  
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Originally Posted by geekgirl415View Post
Thanks for saying this! I also don't understand why some posters are upset about thinking about how we spend and why, or are tired of the "message". Really? Is it so bad to examine oneself and their motivations? That's all she was doing and wondering if anyone else felt the same. It's okay to be a critical thinker and ask questions... if you're feeling judged or defensive- maybe you need to examine that! ;)
Excellent comment! So true!
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Old 06-02-2009, 05:07 AM   #183  
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Originally Posted by ceramicat1View Post
I have been having a similar issue with alot of the things in my house, I recently donated several large trash bags of clothes and shoes to Goodwill just because I had been hanging onto things I might someday wear. I have one more closet to clean out and then I think I'll finally be able to breathe. The irony was I began reading this post while working on a SU order. I am contemplating the DP special and several sets from the mini. All clearly wants. I will probably go ahead and order what I'm looking at, although I may cut back some. I do think all the "stuff" becomes overwhelming at times.
It can be very easy to get caught up in buying for the sake of buying. So I think looking at why we want something is never bad.

I have started putting my paper scraps into bags, I'll either use them to make paper or recycle them into fireplace logs.

Don't let your guard down once it's gone. It multiplies while your back is turned, ya know! lol Sneaky clutter!
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Old 06-02-2009, 05:33 AM   #184  
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Post Wonderful thoughtful posts...

Wow! Somehow I missed the start of this thread 2 weeks ago. I often think about what the OP commented on. I commend her for voicing her thoughts and also many of the long and thoughtful replies.

I do feel overwhelmed sometimes by all the blogs and the companies and the STUFF! And yes this website has helped enable me, lol! I do wonder about the pollution caused by making all these pretty colored papers, ribbons etc. I know I could do a better job of being choosy as to what I buy.

I also know that this hobby and the socializing and the friends I have made have helped to maintain my sanity. Like others have said, I don't spend alot on clothes, shoes, vacations etc. This is my one major indulgence.

I don't think Blank Canvas needs to "get a life." She has one and tries to be thoughtful about how she lives it. That can't be a bad thing.

Love you SCS and all the wonderful women here!

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Old 06-02-2009, 06:57 AM   #185  
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Is papercrfting an ethical hobby? I've heard the phrase, "There's no such thing as a stupid question." Wrong.
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Old 06-02-2009, 07:02 AM   #186  
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Originally Posted by meluvstampinView Post
After almost dying twice I have no guilt about spending my extra money on something I want and enjoy doing. The first time I was in complete liver failure and spend a few weeks in a hospital 200 miles from home praying they could heal my liver as no donor was available for me. Thankfully my liver got better (my immune system attacks it)
And the second was when I spent a month in ICU in a hospital an hour from home for my ruptured brain aneurysm. I make cards and I scrapbook. I will never stop either.
If I have the extra money then yes I buy what I want. If I don't then it waits until I do.

Before saying how stamping companies are ruining the earth you need to do your homework.
SU has several practices that are GREEN to help the earth. And I know several other companies also have some practices in place.

I am sorry to be so emotive but I just feel utterly horrified by the greed and waste and lack of thought to consequences. Papercrafting is a hobby for most of us, there are those who make a living out of this and clearly it's different for you. There are also those who make cards etc for charity who certainly do not suffer from greed. I am humbled by you.
If this all bothers you so much then step back, do not buy anymore stamping related things and use up what you have.
I myself make cards for others and I send cards to sick children. How does it make it OK for me to do this and for the gal who only stamps for hobby and does not donate cards or sells them ethically wrong for her?
It doesn't.
EVERY person on this planet has the right to stamp and buy stamping related products if they choose to do so.

Firstly OMG you have been through a lot and I am glad that you have recovered!

And I agree with you every person on this planet does have a right to stamp and buy stamping related products if they choose to do so....I personally think that I have to think before I buy the latest newest 'thing'...rather then saying I have to have it....asking myself 'do I?' Everything we do has an impact and I have to think before I buy, it is not just the financial cost there are other 'costs' associated with my purchase. I am personally not find that easy, because I 'neeeeeeeeeed' something and I want it right now! and I trying to apply this thought process to everything not just crafting.
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Old 06-02-2009, 08:41 AM   #187  
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I am sorry to be so emotive but I just feel utterly horrified by the greed and waste and lack of thought to consequences. Papercrafting is a hobby for most of us, there are those who make a living out of this and clearly it's different for you. There are also those who make cards etc for charity who certainly do not suffer from greed. I am humbled by you.

While I respect that each of us has the right to have their own opinion. I am curious as to how you would know that anybody that dontates their cards to charity is not greedy? I think that is fairly judgemental.

First off, I am a Stampin Up demo, mostly as a hobby because I work full time as an engineer in the oil and gas industry. Oh, I guess I am evil now as well because I work in an industry that is pure evil! Whatever. I work hard for my money and I like to spend it excessively on craft items. They make me happy. I also share my love of card making with my friends and they get joy from it as well. I recycle, etc. to try and be good to the environment where I can. But, we all still have to live! I am not going to stop traveling, buying stuff, driving my car, heating my home and giving away all my money to people less fortunate than me! I do donate to charity, I pay 48% income tax in Canada which supports homeless, etc. I shouldn't be judged because I'm successful. I bloody well earned it! Just my opinion.
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Old 06-02-2009, 10:01 AM   #188  
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Default Leaving a legacy for your children, grandchildren, etc.

In reading all the posts on here, I have yet to see anyone mention the history and legacy we are leaving our family. I wish my grandmother or great grandmother (or fathers) would have left a scrapbook. In 1872, the American writer Mark Twain, himself a devoted scrapbook enthusiast, patented a "self-pasting" version that become an instant success. (According to an item in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch on June 8, 1885, he made $200,000 from all his other books and $50,000 from the scrapbook alone.) Scrapbooks for over a 100 years- we craved them, coveted them, commandeered them as safe havens for those highly subjective, loopy compilations of personal matter. Part personal diary, part cultural stockpile, they've evolved as homespun calendars, enabling us to chronicle the major events and minute details of our own personal odysseys. Rich or poor, celebrity or civilian, men, women, and children of all ages kept scrapbooks. Some were ornate, with gilded covers and carefully composed pages of decoupage. Others were retrofitted from secondhand books, with chromatographic glued sloppily on top of existing texts. Many consisted entirely of clippings, rigorously aligned and chronologically arranged, often around a central theme-for instance, movie stars or not infrequently, obituaries. There were scrapbooks filled with babies, birds, and baseball statistics; scrapbooks about ice skating, dog breeding, and the intricacies of boy watching. Fragments of cloth from wedding gowns were included in bridal books, while mothers included gentle locks from their baby's first haircut. Farmers saved weather reports, high school girls saved gum wrappers, and everyone, it seemed, saved greeting cards.
I got this information from a beautiful book my son gave me for Mother's Day. It is called SCRAPBOOKS an American History by Jessica Helfand.
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Old 06-02-2009, 10:03 AM   #189  
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I guess my point regarding the above post is, what are we leaving behind. I love to make cards and scrapbook. I hope my family will learn a little more about me and the times I live in. Am I trying to justify what I spend on I am doing is PRICELESS!
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Old 06-02-2009, 10:17 AM   #190  
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Originally Posted by DesertkatzView Post
In reading all the posts on here, I have yet to see anyone mention the history and legacy we are leaving our family...
Your response was so beautiful, it actually made me teary.

My grandmother left behind a scrapbook of sorts - but with no pictures. My 83-year-old mother hugs that book when she tells the stories that her mother wrote in her very own writing in that book. It is not a journal - but a scrapbook - a little note jotted on this corner, etc.

I'll just have to chime in now, too. People go out to dinner and think nothing of spending $40 on a meal. And when you are done, what have you got to show for it? A pot belly! (ok, I have that, too) People go to a movie or bowling - what do they have to show for it. I spend my "spending" money on papercrafting. What do I have to show for it? A legacy for my children. Thank you for your post.
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Old 06-02-2009, 10:37 AM   #191  
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Yes, sometimes I do feel guilty for my purchases and the amount of money I have spent. Most of the time, not too much as I do only spend money I readily have available. There are many times I do wish I had saved more, but I do have a savings account and I do give to charities of my choice, I have helped family members out when they needed it and try to be a good steward to the Earth overall. I have never received govt help, pay all my taxes, dont drink, gave up smoking 2 years ago (and now spend that money on my hobby) and my son is well taken care of.

I try not to allow others to cloud my judgement and I know my friends are envious of my papercrafting supplies as it seems like I have alot of stuff, but those same friends have all been in credit card hell, filed for bankruptcy, etc and I never have so I figure I must be doing something right. I also feel that we (not just us Americans) are a consumer society (but maybe we Americans are worse than others, I dont know as I have never been priviledge enough to go overseas as I spend all my money on papercrafting supplies) and I do hate to think of others doing without while I have so much. I am truly blessed to be in the land of opportunity, but I do know that I work fulltime and dont ask for help so I guess in a way, I feel like I am entitled to have a hobby I enjoy.

Its this or drinking or therapy and I enjoy papercrafting so much more! I dont like the taste of alcohol (okay, desserty, sweet wine I do like!) and I self-analyze enough that I dont need to pay for that too! LOL
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Old 06-05-2009, 01:07 AM   #192  
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I don't know that I agree with everything you've said but it is thought provoking. However, your comments 'feel' as though you apply this across the board to anyone who enjoys this hobby. In truth, couldn't what you say be applied to every consumable on the market. Warning - this is a bit of a rant.
Businesses in general are in business to fill a niche - created by consumers or those marketing to consumers - & to make money. When a business starts it creates jobs, & not just in the initial business. Many of those companies are also responsible 'citizens' & encourage their employees to be also. This comes in many forms. Unfortunately, many are not.

I am 57 & have worked since I was 16. I worked very hard for what I earned. Our home is a very old, small farmhouse that was a serious fixer-upper when purchased & always needs some work. We bought it because it was what we could afford on my salary & it was paid for in 15 yrs. The heating thermostat is set at 65 degrees in the winter. We do not have central air...Lucky for us our property sits in a very shady hollow & we know how to 'make it work' using the natural setting & window fans. We choose to own older vehicles (the newest was 5 yrs old when we bought it), we pay cash & my DH does any work that is needed - not because he likes it but because he can. We contribute to charities, recycle (in many ways), adopt our pets from local shelters, barter for services, are serious savers, have few credit cards (all $0 balances), are not clothes-horses & prefer things that are washable to avoid drycleaning costs, & try to buy what we need only when it is on sale, & shop garage/yard sales for things like our BBQ grills, bicycles, tools & even some of our antique furniture. My <name brand> laptop cost $300 (refurbished) & my printer $10 - they are fabulous. It was a long time before we could take a 'nice' vacation (a cruise) & these only happen every few years - other vacations are local. Our hobbies are our vacation from the stress of worklife & contribute to our mental health. I can't remember when I last purchased anything for stamping & I give much more thought about any purchase of my jewelry making work - but if I love something I buy it.

This gave us a lot of financial freedom from the worry - our goal - until the greed & unethical behavior & business practices on Wall Street, in the banks, & in many industries took a hammer to the economy - & our savings/investments. My DH was already retired. I was laid off in March. Thanks to our lifestyle choices we do not have the financial burdens of some others but we do have unexpected expenses because of my layoff & plans had to change until our savings/investments has recovered.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:12 PM   #193  
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Originally Posted by Grandma OverboardView Post
I'm with Rush Limbaugh, money is no object, enjoy the life you have and don't be miserable in the life of someone else that you can't do anything about)
Rush Limpd**k??? Seriously??? Amazing
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:15 PM   #194  
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Ah, if only...Rush is mother has Alzheimer's and does not know me BUT she knows the albums I made for her (4/90 double sides pages=180x4=alot!) some pages were over $15 but to see her face light up...priceless! You can't take it with you....
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:44 PM   #195  
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Originally Posted by cbetView Post

By the reasoning in the OP, ANY hobby is unethical - it's something you spend money on only for the pleasure it gives you. But what a grey world it would be if there were no hobbies. When I break out the cardstock and glue and scissors, it's like being back in a happy place in kindergarten. And when I am able to get back to that happy place for a while, I'm more productive at work and easier to get along with at home.
You find a value in your hobby. Rational self interest is ok REPEAT OK. We have been brainwashed that someone somewhere needs something more than we do and we have been pushed to altruism and self-destruction. If it is the case that there is always someone who needs something more than we do, the individual will ultimately be left with nothing as he tries to satisfy the needs of the world.

I work hard for the fruits of my labor. I deserve some enjoyment out of the 70-some spins around the sun that I am allotted by my maker. Yes, I spend my money on "fun and unnecessary" things but those things that I buy are the fruits of someone else's labor and allow those individuals to live and feed and cloth themselves - maybe even have a fun hobby of their own.

Is scrapping/card making any different than fashion? Items that are popular come and go. We bought a certain tool or patterned paper or a dress because it was the cool and in thing. We all need clothes but do we need to trash what is out and get what is in? Using the logic that we should only get what we need - nothing more period, then we reduce ourselves to something less than human. Automaton perhaps, working for our basic needs and never being allowed to strive for more, create, enjoy ourselves.

How can you tell if you are having an impact on the environment? If you are still alive you're trashing the planet no matter how small your "carbon footprint". It is sad that instead of acting rationally, we have become a bunch of guilt ridden worry warts driven by bad science and even worse evil philosophy.:twisted:

The key is rational - if you are spending your rent or food money to buy stamping supplies you are no different than a drug addict. If you are living beyond your means and continue to pursue the irrational idea of "buy now pay later", your behavior isn't rational. For too long we have bought into many irrational ideas and as a society are reaping the consequences.

Read Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" and "Philosophy: Who needs it". Open your eyes to the self-destruction being forced upon you. Then go to your craft room and surround yourself with every bit of the crazy stuff you have worked so hard for and ENJOY YOURSELF!!!!!

Life is too short to be guilt ridden for things that are well beyond our individual control. Lighten up and have some fun. Make rational choices that make sense to you and that hold value for you.
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Old 08-05-2009, 06:32 AM   #196  
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Default my first post here....

How good am I? I read every post without skimming...

Joking aside, I agree with some of the sentiments of Blank Canvas, mainly around the issue of how paper crafting has moved on, I started about 4 years ago when recuperating after a mastectomy, at the time I relied on craft magazines and have only recently taken them to a hospice charity shop. Nobody made me buy them apart from myself ( truly addictive) I worked it out that I had roughly �1,500 worth of magazines mostly filled with advertisements! I had a conversation with the staff in a LCS last year just after I bought a cuttlebug, they were advocating a cricut, which is a lovely tool but so far removed from what I 'need' The cost of the machine in the UK plus the cost of the cartridges was and is not something I can justify for a 'want'. The staff still pushed the wonderfulness of the cricut, but in my heart I make cards for friends and family, the cancer support unit/hospice. I have made a couple of scrapbooks and have enjoyed being creative with embellishments and recycling, that few hundred pounds for a cricut wouldnt have made it any better in my heart.....

I have purchased a lot of tools such as nesties, copics, stamps, punches etc and do try to support local craft shops but freely admit that I'm super envious ( not a good trait I know) of you all in the USA having such fantastic outlets and prices hence buying a lot that has to be shipped via the internet.

Thanks to blogs and SCS I now only buy scrapbook magazines!

I have so many paperpacks that it is ridiculous and have not bought any for months and months and hope to continue this for many many months to come.
I too have questioned *MY* addiction a lot of times as it isnt just about making cards/scrapbooking.... its about receiving that parcel.

I have'nt really contributed to this thread, yikes....

Papercrafting has moved on fast... and I do think in the UK we are running like mad to catch up with the USA but still remember that for me it started out as a little girl watching Blue Peter and colouring in ;-)
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Old 08-05-2009, 08:37 AM   #197  
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Default my 2 cents

ohhh...couldn't resist adding to this interesting post.

There are always choices presented to us on where to spend our money. There is no shame in having the money to indulge in a craft. I could choose to spend my money on so many different things. One night at a bar or casino could buy me a lot of paper! My niece chooses to have weekly manicures and pedicures, keeps her hair beautiful, and hires a weekly house cleaner. While I do not begrudge her these choices, mine choice is a weekend scrap or a trip to Michaels.

Scrapping and stamping bring me a lot of joy. I have let other hobbies drop (painting, cross stitching). I enjoy shopping for the tools. My girlfriends and I have made a game out of searching craigslist and ebay and garage sales looking for deals.

I guess my point is - Life is short! Find a fun hobby to enjoy with friends. Indulge a TINY bit.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:15 AM   #198  
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Default unethical... wrong choice of words!

I understand some of what you are saying and your post obviously made in impact on some people - but you lost me at "unethical" - that's just SO not the right word!

Sure, there are people out there who overindulge and buy WAY too much stuff - just go to Youtube and watch the videos of people who have made videos of their craftrooms and supplies - I'm am shocked and amazed as to the quantities of stickers, flowers and paper,etc... some people have stock piled... it's just down right crazy! How do they even know what they have piled so high in all those drawers and cabinets? I limit my purchases to just fractions of what I see people have on those videos and even with that - I sometimes have no clue what I have to work with when I start a project. I've come to realize that some people simply have a "hording issue" - they are addicted to shopping and that's really what it boils down to for me. But this can become a problem for any kind of hobby - it's not just something that papercrafters do. I have a friend who loves bikes and boy, oh boy... he just can't get enough. He's constantly buying expensive bikes and parts that he doesn't need - it just makes him happy. It's important to keep things in moderation and not to spend beyond your means. I work hard for my money and luckily I'm able to pretty much afford the things I want - but I don't buy things just because I can - I think carefully before I spend money on my crafting toys and even then, I sometimes make decisions to buy something that I later realize was a waste of money - we've all fallen victim to that I suppose! :mad:

What I think is unethical though, is price gauging! I hate seeing people take advantage of others by reselling (current) items for outrageous prices. It just kills me to see people selling stamp sets that you can buy at your LCS for $1 and they turn around and sell them for $3 or $4 a piece plus some ridiculous postage charge that only gives them an even greater profit margine - that's just down right greedy!! Okay... maybe it's a matter of supply and demand, but I'm just not greedy like that - I'm happy to help someone find what they are looking for and will gladly sell them the item at cost plus postage. It angers me so much when I see the markups people put on items some times -and shame on the buyers for buying things at those marked up prices! I was in Michaels not too long ago and saw a woman buying tons and tons of gems that were in the dollar bin (she actually cleared out the bin). I swear she probably had 50-70 packets and she was bragging to her friend about how she was going to easily sell them for $4 on the internet - that just made me ill! But again... this sort of price gauging doesn't only happen with papercrafting... think back to the beanie baby days - remember when people paid $100's of dollars for a stuffed animal that only cost $5 or so - how silly is that? That's where I say things get unethical. I can't blame manufacturers about wanting to make money where there is a market demand; that's what commerce is all about. I enjoy finding new ways to switch things up with this hobby and I have fun learning new techniques and finding new products that help keep things interesting. Manufacturers are not the problem here.. it's the resellers and the buyers who feed into the frenzy!

We are all entitled to have some fun, and for me, it's papercrafting. There's nothing I do that makes me second guess myself and wonder whether or not it's unethical. Keep things in moderation... don't be a greedy reseller and keep a smile on your face while you stamp your little heart out! ;) If on the otherhand, you're not smiling while doing your crafts because of some sort of ethical issue - then by all means, change your ways and find a way to enjoy the hobby of making people smile when you give them one of your little creations! Just my 2 cents....
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:35 AM   #199  
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Nah--it is not unethical. Yes, I was a paper floozies but I am not anymore.

Why? I just bundled over 2,000 pieces of 12x12 and donated them to a good cause. Out of all the hobbies I have, this is the most friendly and least possessive group. I have been in quilting (and taught quilting) classes where no one would share so much as their cutter. Anytime scrappers or card makers get together, there is so much sharing that I have come away with more than I started with! Also, we recycle more than other kinds of crafts--I never let an onion mesh bag go to the goes on a card! Same with bottle caps (my hubby is thrilled and drinks beer just to keep in supplies ;) ) and tin foil (embossed)...
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Old 08-07-2009, 05:44 AM   #200  
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Originally Posted by crafty1021View Post
This is truly one of the most thought-provoking threads I think I may have ever seen. I am currently reading a book called Throw Away 50 Things and it really has me thinking. As I am going through my home one room at a time I look at all the stuff we have accumulated and I wonder if it really brought us the joy and contentment we thought it would. A room that has already been finished is my craft room. As I sorted through it I was ashamed at all the things I had to have then never used. I wonder how life would have been different had I never purchased these items. I occasionally think about the impact I have had on the environment and how my actions have contributed to how my daughter sees consumerism in this country. Will my habits change? I hope so, especially now that I have seen the aftermath so clearly ($1000s of dollars spent and really wasted because the items were never used). I think sometimes, especially in the western world, we work so hard to earn what we want, we forget about the things that are really important. I am going to walk away from this post and this thread thinking about all the ways in which my actions affect me and the world around me. Does it mean I am going to stop spending altogether? Not a chance! But I will be paying much closer attention to where and what and how I am spending. Thanks for giving me so much to think about, ladies!
I love your response to this thread. I feel as you do when I look at all the things I buy especially in the crafting department. I have sooooo much money tied up there and for supplies I've literally been collecting and many aren't even used. It's become an obsessive area of my life in that I feel I have to have this and that. I'm ashamed of myself when I look at all that stuff and it not being used much. Have I stopped buying, no I haven't, but I'm trying to stop the notion that I have to have it all. Up to now I tried to rationalize all my purchases telling myself I've been collecting this stuff for 15 years now but that's really no excuse for all the things I've bought. Your book Throw Away 50 Things sounds very intersting.
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